

Resident salaries may be adjusted annually on July 1st. Residents are paid on the basis of their level of training in their respective training programs. The 2024-2025 academic year salaries are:



Athletic TicketsBeing considered a student at ECU, football and basketball tickets are free. Other sports might be available at different times a year.
Call RoomsCall rooms are provided for residents who are required to remain in the hospital overnight.
ECU Student Recreation CenterMembership is available for two separate facilities. East Campus SRC has over 150,000 square feet and the Medical Campus opened a new facility in April 2017 with over 25,000 square feet. Also available through SRC, students can utilize free kayaks, disc golf discs, sand volleyball, and corn hole, at the North Recreational Complex.
Flexible BenefitsA flexible benefit program is available: Medical Plan Deductible Options; Dental Plan; Additional Life Insurance; Dependent Life Insurance; Child Care and Health Care Reimbursement Accounts; and Partnership Savings Plan.
Guaranteed Standard Issue Disability Insurance
How will you pay your expenses if you become injured or sick and cannot work? The Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI) Program from Guardian provides comprehensive income protection if you become disabled, even if you have pre-existing conditions that would normally prevent you from obtaining coverage. This is a personally owned individual disability insurance policy that is portable. For more information on eligibility requirements and full plan details, please review the information at or contact our local broker:

Wade Scales
(252) 717-9684 (m)
Hospital and Health InsuranceA group plan for Hospital and Health Insurance for the residents and dependents is available at group rates and is effective upon employment.
Lab Coats AllowanceAn allowance of $50.00 is given for the purchase of lab coats. Information on where to purchase these coats will be given at orientation.
Laundry for Lab CoatsLab coats will be picked up from your department twice a week for cleaning. No other laundry service is provided.
Life InsuranceResidents are provided life insurance equal to their annual salary. Additional life insurance is available at group rates and the premiums may be paid by salary reduction on an after tax basis. Dependent Life Insurance ($5000 for spouse and $2500 for eligible children) is provided upon employment.
Long Term Disability InsuranceLong Term Disability Insurance for the residents is available at group rates and premiums may be paid by salary reduction on an after tax basis.
Meal AllowanceA $1500 meal allowance is provided each year.
Moving ExpenseNew residents are given a flat rate reimbursement for moving expenses when joining our programs.
Professional Leave and Educational BenefitsIndividual departments provide additional benefits to further your education. These may include textbooks, journal subscriptions, membership in professional societies, financial support for educational meetings outside the medical center and start up money for research programs. Specific information concerning these educational benefits is available from the program directors of individual residency programs.
Professional Liability InsuranceResidents are provided malpractice coverage for activities that are directly related with their residency training program (does not include moonlighting). This coverage is in force regardless of when a claim is filed and is part of the Self Insurance Retention program with limits of $3 million occurrence/$12 million aggregate. ECU Health Medical Center Risk Management handles all risk, legal and issuance issues for residents and can be reached at 847-4584 or after hours by calling RM On Call at beeper 413-4473.
PTOResidents are granted 28 days of Paid Time Off (PTO) at the beginning of each academic year. PTO days not used in that academic year are forfeited and do not roll over.
Tuition Aid PlanECU Health Medical Center has an offer to assist employees wishing to continue their education through voluntary off-the-job instruction and study.
USMLE/COMLEX Step 3 ReimbursementECU Health Medical Center will pay for a first year resident for USMLE or COMLEX Step 3 that is taken during their training at ECU Health. This is a one-time payment that is granted regardless of passage of the exam. Prepayment prior to the second year of employment to the Federation of State Medical Boards or COMLEX is required.

Additional benefits include access to ECU Health Employee Assistance Program, the employee assistance program at the hospital, free parking, employee health programs and allowances for books, journals and attendance at conferences.

For additional information regarding these benefits contact:

  • Graduate Medical Education 252-847-4268
  • Compensation and Benefits 252-847-4479